Yvette Bush, CRPC®, WMS
Senior Client Service Specialist
When Yvette is asked how she ended up in her current role, she answers: “by complete accident." Yvette started her career at Merrill Lynch, but when she first interviewed with Heritage Wealth Advisors, Yvette thought she was applying for a different job than the one she accepted.
But it is by no mistake that she shines and excels in her role. Yvette earned her experience working with people from all different backgrounds during her time as a substitute teacher. She loved her students, just as she loves the clients she helps every day.
Competitive by nature (even if only with herself), Yvette never leaves a task incomplete. Whether it be assisting with trades, opening accounts, or troubleshooting, her patience empowers her to fulfill every responsibility- beyond what is expected.
Her appreciation for serving others makes Yvette a unique asset to the team.